Types of Missing Teeth Replacements

Dental implants offer a more permanent option over dentures

The Growing Popularity of Dental Implants

In recent years, dental implants have surged in popularity and have become the preferred choice for many individuals looking for a permanent solution to tooth loss. One of the most significant factors leading this trend is the permanence offered by implants. Dentures require removal every night for cleaning and to allow your gums to rest. Dental implants simply become a natural part of your smile, providing stability and comfort without the hassle of daily maintenance. 

Challenges with Dentures

Dentures, while remaining a traditional option for replacing missing teeth, come with their fair share of challenges. Eating certain hard or sticky foods can be difficult with dentures, as they may shift or become dislodged during chewing. Additionally, the need to remove dentures every night can be cumbersome and disruptive to daily routines. This is a significant downside to having dentures. 

Maintenance and Replacement

Another downside to dentures is the necessity for periodic maintenance and replacement. Over time, dentures may wear down, become ill-fitting, or require adjustments. Rebuilding or replacing dentures every few years is time-consuming and also comes with a significant financial burden, adding to the overall cost of long-term dental care. Having a denture break can be even worse and may necessitate an emergency trip to the dentist. 

The Single Dental Implant Procedure

Let's explore the typical procedure for obtaining a single dental implant, showcasing why it's a preferred choice for many. The process begins with a thorough evaluation by a qualified dentist experienced in dental implants to assess your oral health and determine candidacy for the procedure. 

Initial Consultation

During an initial consultation, your dentist will discuss your treatment goals, review your medical history, and conduct diagnostic tests such as X-rays to evaluate bone density and assess the surrounding structures. 

Implant Placement

If the gums and jaw are judged to be healthy and suitable for the procedure, the dental implant placement procedure begins. The first step involves surgically inserting a titanium implant fixture into the jawbone, mimicking the natural root of a tooth. The implant is then left to integrate and fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. This process is called osseointegration. 

Healing Period

Following the implant placement, a healing period of several months is typically necessary for osseointegration. During this time, temporary restorations may be provided to maintain aesthetics and functionality.

Abutment Placement

Once the implant has become fully integrated with the jaw, an abutment is attached to the implant fixture. The abutment is a connecting piece between the implant and the final restoration. This is the second step of the process, though both the abutment and the crown may be provided in the same step. 

Final Restoration

A custom-made dental crown is securely attached to the abutment, and the restoration process is then complete. The result is a natural-looking and durable tooth replacement that blends perfectly with your existing teeth. Your dentist will match the opacity and color to the surrounding teeth to make the new dental implant virtually identical to your natural teeth. 

Choose GrandDent Dental Clinic in Chiang Mai

If you're considering dental implants over dentures as a solution for tooth loss, it's essential to seek care from a reputable and experienced dental provider. GrandDent Dental offers quality dental services, including dental implant placement in Chiang Mai, with a commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction.

In the ongoing debate between dental implants and dentures, the choice ultimately depends on individual needs, preferences, and oral health considerations. While dentures have been a longstanding option for tooth replacement, the permanence, stability, and longevity offered by dental implants make them a compelling choice for many, and their popularity is growing. If you're ready to reclaim your smile and restore functionality to your teeth, explore the transformative benefits of tooth implants in Chiang Mai at GrandDent Dental Clinic. Please make an appointment with us today.

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